Welcome to the website of the Queen's Own Oxfordshire Hussars and the Oxfordshire Yeomanry
Our objective is to promote the activities and knowledge of the Oxfordshire Yeomanry Trust (OYT) and the Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars Association (QOOHA).
In addition, the website contains highlights from the history of the Oxfordshire Yeomanry (also known as the Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars) and details of its current descendant unit,142 (QOOH) Vehicle Squadron RLC (part of 165 Port and Maritime Regiment RLC) based at Banbury Army Reserve Centre – the modern-day spiritual home of the QOOH.
Below are the cap badges worn by the various units of the QOOH and OY in the Reserve Forces of the British Army

Since its formation in 1798 the unit has undergone many changes from its original function of Cavalry, through the Royal Artillery, an infantry cadre, the Royal Signals, and finally, to the Royal Logistic Corps. With these changes, this has also required a change of cap-badge to coincide with their changes of role, either as a combatant or supporting role unit.
You are now invited to wander through the many pages of this website which include :-
- About Us – information about the management team who look after and run both of the Oxfordshire Yeomanry Trust and the QOOH Association. More information about these two organisations can be found in their respective pages.
- QOOH/OY Roll of Honour – on this page we list the Officers and Soldiers who gave their lives for their country. These are published on a rolling monthly basis, dependant on their date of death. Now available is the complete list of all the men in our Roll of Honour, but in an alphabetical listing. The Monthly rolling list, on the anniversary of their date of death, is still available.
- Unit History – This is made up of 6 pages giving a Brief History of the Regiment, the Regimental Lineage, our Battle Honours, Operations & Honours, 2nd Anglo-Boer War, and the First World War.
- Regimental Records – this is list of records held by the OY Trust at the SOFO Museum & Research Centre.
- Page Turning Ceremony – on this page we inform readers about this bi-monthly event held at Christ Church Cathedral in Oxford.
- Soldiers of Oxfordshire – also known as SOFO, this page informs readers about the activities of the county’s military museum and research centre.
- 142 (QOOH) Vehicle Squadron RLC – this is the current descendant unit bearing honorific of the QOOH and has information about what their role is and where they are based.
- Winston Churchill’s Funeral – Winston Churchill was a serving member and Honorary Colonel of the Regiment. Following his death on the 24th January 1965, and by decree of Queen Elizabeth II his body was to lie-in-state in Westminster Hall for 3 days, followed by the largest State Funeral in world history. Q (QOOH) Bty, 299 Fd Regt RA TA was honoured to be selected to be part of his funeral procession through the streets of London. This event is made up of 5 pages providing information of As It Happened (a blow by blow of events of the day), Personal Memories of people of the day, MV Havengore (the vessel which bore his coffin up the river Thames), Funeral Train (about the train which carried his coffin from London to Handborough in Oxfordshire), and St Martin’s Church, Bladon (his final resting place).
- WW2 & 63 (Oxf Yeo) Anti-Tank Regiment RA TA – These pages inform the reader of the Regiment’s activities during WW2 (from 1939 to 1946). Apart from the first ‘Introductory‘ page there are six further pages which cover the periods – 1939-1940 – 1941-1942 – 1943 – 1944 – 1945 – 1946. This last year (1946) also informs what happened to the two batteries (250 Bty & 252 Bty) who left the Regiment following it’s merger with the 91 (A&SH) A/Tank Regt RA in December 1944. There is also a list of the Commanding Officers of the Regiment during WW2.
- Liberation of Belsen – April 15th 2020 was the 75th anniversary of the liberation of the Belsen Concentration Camp. The pages in this section will cover the role in which officers and men of the QOOH played in this event. The first page outlines what and who were involved. The next page, Before Liberation, explains the history of Belsen Camp and the days leading up to April 15th 1945. Liberation covers in more detail about what confronted these QOOH men, plus the numerous military units which arrived later and what they offered and contributed to relieve the suffering of the internees. After Liberation informs the information of the survivors repatriation. And finally, Bergen-Belsen Trial gives the details of the War Crime Trials which took place after the fall of the Axis forces.
- Oxfordshire Blue Plaque – an historical marker which marks the beginnings of the Oxfordshire Yeomanry in 1794.
- Clippings – random items and stories about things QOOH and OY which do not readily fall into the other pages on this website.
- Useful Links
New additions & Updates to the pages in our website
If you are a returning visitor to our site this information below will update what has been introduced or changed recently
27/3/2024 – Available from today is the complete list of our Roll of Honour in an alphabetical list.
13/2/2024 – New pages have been added which cover the history of the 63rd (Oxfordshire Yeomanry) Anti-Tank Regiment RA from 1939 to 1946. These pages inform the reader of the Regiment’s activities during WW2.
31/7/2023 – The Roll of Honour page is constantly being updated each month to list all of the QOOH men who became casualties during the calendar month in the Boer War, the First World War, and World War 2.
1/8/20 – In the Roll of Honour page we are now listing the deaths of the many hundreds of QOOH men who found themselves transferred into other units during the First World War – mostly into the Oxf & Bucks Light Infantry.
We hope you enjoy and return to read more about the “Queer Objects On Horseback”, an acronym given to the Regiment in its early days !
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