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Oxfordshire Yeomanry Trust

Constitution & Purposes

     The Oxfordshire Yeomanry Trust is a registered charity, number 1068207, which began life in its present form in December 1997.  The first meeting to agree to form the Trust was held on 7th February 1997, with the Trust Deed signed on 28th November 1997.   The Trust has three main purposes.

  • To generate and foster public interest in the Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars by assembling, preserving, and making available for public display, the Trust’s Regimental Collection.
  • To stimulate a strong sense of pride and Regimental affiliation in serving members of the Regiment and to encourage the recruitment of volunteers.
  • To assist past and present members of the Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars, and their dependants who may be in need as a result of illness, old age, or misfortune.

     The Trustees are either past members of the Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars or individuals with a keen interest in the Regiment.  The Trustees also include ex officio Her Majesty’s Lord Lieutenant for Oxfordshire and the Officer Commanding of any serving reserve unit incorporating the title ‘Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars’.

  • President:                     Col John Bridgeman, CBE, TD, DL
  • Chairman:                     Col Chris Laurence, MBE, QVRM, TD, BVSC, MRCVS
  • Vice Chairman:             Lt-Col Richard Belbin
  • Secretary:                     Capt Carl Jelfs
  • Treasurer:                     WO2 (YofS) Judith Phillips
  • Trustees:                      Maj Ron Barnes, FRIC
  •                                      Mr Harry Staff
  • Welfare Officer:           Ms Jo Riley
  • Honorary Historian:    Mr Mike Cross

Making donations to the Trust

The Oxfordshire Yeomanry Trust is funded solely by donations from serving officers and soldiers, and members of the public.  Other tax-efficient donations are made to the Trust by way of bequests / wills / donations in memory of a former soldier or specific purpose donations, and low-level fund raising at the annual QOOH Association Luncheon.

By contributing to the Trust, you are helping to ensure that the many important aspects of Regimental life are preserved.

Completing the Gift Aid Declaration enables the Trust to reclaim the tax element of your donation (provided you are a current UK taxpayer), increasing the worth of your much-valued contribution.

If you would like to contribute, please take a few moments to click on this link and print out our Gift Aid Declaration, thank you

If you are considering making a donation of artefacts and/or printed material to the OY Trust’s collection, the OYT, together with SOFO, are moving in line with accreditation requirements and will not allow for any ‘Permanent Loans’.

The only loans acceptable are for ‘short fixed-term loans’, normally for exhibition purposes only.

In future the OY Trust will still be pleased to accept suitable/agreed material as long as the following categorization is agreed – Bequeathed, Gifted, Donated, or Purchased only.

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Designed & written by Mick Luxford     with help from LCN Hosting and WordPress.org

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