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About Us

About Us

Meet Our Team

The management team members which run both the Oxfordshire Yeomanry Trust (OYT) and the Queen’s Own Oxfordshire Hussars Association (QOOHA) are inter-twinned, and despite each organisation having their own management committees, have a common aim – to spread the word; have a great pride in our Regiment; and a willingness to further the benefits (socially and well-being) of our members.

Below, we introduce you to some of the key players of these two organisations :-

Chris Laurence

Chris Laurence

Chairman of OYT and QOOHA

Colonel Chris Laurence started his career with the Territorial Army in 1964 as a student at Bristol University Officer Training Corps. On graduation he transferred to 37 Signal Regiment and subsequently served there and in 39 Signal Regiment, commanding the latter from 1993-95. Subsequently he served at 2 Signal Brigade, HQ Land and finally as Deputy Commander 2 Signal Brigade. He retired in 2002 and was awarded the Queens Volunteer Reserves Medal. Chris is Chair of the Oxfordshire Yeomanry Trust and Queens Own Oxfordshire Hussars Association and manages the Turning of the Pages of the books of Remembrance in Christ Church Cathedral for the OY Trust. In civilian life Chris is a veterinary surgeon. He is married with two adult children.

Jean Mills

Jean Mills

QOOHA Honorary Secretary

Mike Cross

Mike Cross

Honorary Archivist

Mike spent 33 years with Barclays before a spell as a house-husband and then as a furniture repairman. His father was in the RAF Regiment in the latter stages of WW2 and his paternal grandfather was in the OBLI and then the Labour Corps in the Great War. His maternal grandfather was in the Royal Navy from age 16 serving throughout the Great War and still serving in a shore-based role in WW2. There are many other military men and women scattered across his family tree but it was Trooper Abel Newman, his grandmother's brother, who was a pre-WW1 territorial with the QOOH, who ultimately determined where his interest in military history would lie. He joined the team back in the days of working in a large cupboard at The Slade. He is focused on the Great War period but collects information about Oxfordshire Yeomen from all periods, adding this to the extensive data records held at the Soldiers of Oxfordshire Museum whilst helping look to after the Yeomanry Archives which are also held there.

Harry Staff

Harry Staff

OYT Trustee

Harry Staff served with the QOOH in the 1960’s until the Regiment was disbanded in 1967. From then he has served as an advisor, member of the archive team, member of the QOOH Association and Hon. Historical Officer. Harry is currently a Trustee of the OY Trust. In civilian life Harry was a Health & Safety Law Lecturer. Harry is a Widower with three adult children.

Mick Luxford

Mick Luxford


Mick Luxford is a retired telephone engineer. Mick began his military career in 1962 and served for 28yrs in both Q (QOOH) Bty, 299 Fd Regt RA and 5 (QOOH) Sqn, 39 (CofL) Sig Regt (SC). He was awarded the Territorial Efficiency Medal (TAVR) with 1st and 2nd Clasps, and also awarded the HM Lord Lieutenant for Oxfordshire Certificate on 29/10/90. Mick originally became involved with our association in 2000, taking on the role of the association’s Hon Secretary. Mick had been the editor of the Oxfordshire Hussar newsletter for some 20yrs, but stepped aside in June 2020. He is now the webmaster of our website – qooh.org.uk. Mick was one of the original archivists, making a start with the OY Trust’s many artifacts and pictures, recording them on a computer database – this was before SOFO was born.

Judith Phillips

Judith Phillips

OYT Treasurer

More information about these two bodies are available on their respective pages – OYT and QOOHA.

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